Sunday, May 23, 2010

My Awesome Savior

Psalm 150:6 says, "Let everything that has breath praise the Lord." Tonight I had the privilege of attending Global Day of Prayer at North Central University in Minneapolis. And wow, were my socks completely knocked off. Jeff Deyo, former lead vocalist for the band Sonic Flood, led the worship there in the chapel, and it was the most awe-inspiring thing I've ever seen! Not to mention a huge chapel full of people lifting their hands in worship and praise to the One and only Jesus! And He is so good to me! I cannot even stop smiling, my heart is on fire! I haven't felt this way for Christ all year! I've just been pleading, praying, and waiting for Him to finally pour some fuel into my heart and set it ablaze again, and tonight was the night! We prayed over the entire Twin Cities area, hoping for transformation of hearts and minds to bring the cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul to Jesus. So far 12 churches have been planted and people are being saved left and right! What a praise that is! Tomorrow kicks off a prayer walk from E. Lake Street all the way to the union of Minneapolis and St. Paul, which begins weekly prayer walks every Monday. That will be such a beautiful sight. And the sound of screams and shouts and praises to the Lord upon arrival at the end point will be so beautiful. The times when prayer walks have gone through the urban areas are times when the crime rates were at all-time lows. If that's not God in the atmosphere then I don't know what is! So anyways. These next 90 Days of Blessing over the Twin Cities area are hopefully a start to people stepping out of their comfort zones to bring the Good News to the people, me included! And on the way home my friend was telling me about this PWI thing that North Central University is offering this summer. It's called Pure Worship Institute (PWI) and it is led by the same Jeff Deyo we saw tonight. It takes place in June for one week. Any musicians, songwriters, vocalists, or worshipers looking for the time of their life to worship and grow in music is allowed to attend. Could this be the reason God wanted me to stay here? Is this what He has in store? Who knows? He does. All I know is that I want to grow more in love with Christ than ever. I want to understand more what it fully and truly means to fall to my knees and lift my arms in praise and worship. I want my singing voice to grow. I want to sing for my Lord. So I think I'm going to attend! And looking at the registration and website I don't think I've been excited for something so much in a long time. God always has something up His sleeve. He is always twenty, one hundred, one million steps ahead of where I am. And despite the struggles this year and this summer brought, I know He loves me more than anything. He has a plan for my life. And as of this afternoon I have never been more thrilled that I have such a Savior Who loves me right where I am!

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