Friday, April 23, 2010


I just had to get these lyrics off of my chest. This is a song I wrote at about one this morning, when I should have been sleeping. I'm telling you, lyrics hit me in the face like a ton of bricks at the worst times. That's why I'm an insomniac who survives on Starbucks alone. In a way I'm hoping this rain session is going to wash everything away and leave me with a renewed spirit for the start of summer. But we'll see....enjoy.

Hear me calling I'm on my knees

Turned for help in all the wrong places
I need You I need You

I'm exhausted from days without any sleep
I hear 'Have hope He will guide you through'
But I'm beginning to doubt that

And though I know
You never give up
You never give in
You rule with Your hand
You move me within
I don't feel that here

It's easy to lose hope when the Spirit's astray
I just wish You could hear me call
I sit and waste and these days away

Seeking for an answer to an eternal riddle
In the air with nowhere to land
I'm tired of being Your lost daughter

And though Iknow
You never give up
You never give in
You rule with Your hand
You move me within
I don't feel that here

So show me the way Lord
Be the lantern in my darkness
Give me the pursuit of life

These knees are growing bruised
These praying hands fall at my sides
I begin to lose my voice my hope

And though Iknow
You never give up
You never give in
You rule with Your hand
You move me within
I don't feel that here

Though I know these things
I don't feel them here

It's been pouring rain for two and a half days. Non-stop. Yesterday we had hail and a tornado warning in west Greeley. Thank goodness my second and last class of the day was canceled on account of the weather! But the thing is, I hate rain! I cannot stand it. It has to be the most depressing thing. Not only is Jesus crying, but the sky is typically pitch black with the rain. I only appreciate rain unless I am home. And it is summertime. And I can sit with a hot cup of coffee on my porch. Otherwise, forget it! Not to mention that my apartment is right beneath the gutter under the it drains allllllll day long. How I wish I could appreciate it more.