Monday, January 7, 2013


Well, it's official! Mum, Daddy, and I sat down tonight and I gave them details about the trip to Haiti. After a lot of prayer about how to approach the topic, they agreed to let me go! PRAISE! Now the hard part is waiting until June! In the meantime, I've filled out my application, made a list of the vaccinations to talk to my doctor about, written a check for the deposit, and looked over my passport. Although I've traveled many places in my short life; although I've been to other countries, this is the first time I will provide care in a third world country. I am ecstatic to learn and to bring God's love to the people and culture who can teach us so much more than we know. I am excited to escape from technology and everything that we "know" according to materialism. I want to thrive on developing this passion that I am finally able to live out. It has always been a dream of mine to do God's work this way. I have always wanted to do mission and medical work in a third world country. This will just open up a new cave full of exploration and opportunities for the future! I just know that one week in Haiti will open my eyes. Break my heart for what breaks Yours....

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