Thursday, February 7, 2013

Food for Thought

Just some thoughts.

It's National Eating Disorder Awareness Week soon. What does that mean? Well, I think the title is a little self-explanatory. It means we do what we can to encourage positive self-talk, positive body talk, encouraging energy and constructive criticism! Yes, I said constructive criticism. We all criticize ourselves, don't we? We criticize others, although we'd never admit it. We also COMPARE, but we don't admit it. Isn't that coveting what someone else has? Coveting the body of someone else--or any features of someone else--is a statement to God that you aren't satisfied with what He dealt you. Trust me, it's taken me 22 years to recognize that I was doing this. I was telling God--boldly--that I wasn't satisfied with anything He sent my way. And I probably do still tell Him this from time to time. But I've taken the first step in recognizing that my energy isn't always directed in a positive way; nor do I always think of myself in a positive light. We all have things about us we'd like to change. But take a minute to look at the questions below. It's a simple exercise to journal about from time to time. It might not make a difference, but maybe it will. Set some goals. It starts by waking up in the morning and actually looking at yourself in a mirror. Not LOOKING but seeing. There is a soul somewhere in that floating mass of water, skin, blood, and bones. There is a soul.

1. What are my top 10 values? In what order of priority?
2. What in my life reflects my interest in these values? Do I devote adequate time and focus to these areas that I value?
3. Would focusing more on what I value fill up some of the space that obsessing about weight, food and eating disordered thoughts used to occupy?
4. What would I like to start doing to further devote myself to my values?

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