Thursday, June 9, 2011

It's Summer. Finally.

Well, it's summer. Finally. And it seems that I haven't written since FEBRUARY, so I feel real ashamed. The craziness of life kind of buried me deep in this cave. I've been going crazy trying to apply for nursing programs! Yes, deciding to go back into nursing has been the biggest curve lately. I've spent six months now emailing, endlessly calling, paying money for transcripts, mailing bills and responses back and forth, really everything you can think of that relates to going back to school-- all while maintaining five summer classes and NAT training next week.

All I can say is that I got my first acceptance letter into a nursing program yesterday, and after this all being such a long process, ALL the praise goes to God. Amen! My Savior be adored, He never forgets about us.

I look up at Your heavens, shaped by Your fingers, at the moon and the stars You set firm, so what are human beings that You spare a thought for them?
Psalm 8

He has been faithful to me ever since I began all this, really putting things on my heart like where I see myself, where to apply, and keeping that firm peace in my heart, knowing that I will end up wherever He wants me to.

There is definitely more to come, but I felt the need to provide a much-needed update!

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