I see so many colors
They're all a part of Your design
It's such a brilliant display
I love the way the stars shine for You
And every single mountain bows down
I love the way the universe is singing Your song
So I'll try to sing along
Looking up into the dark blue night
I'm in awe of Your power
The way the moon pulls the ocean's tide
You are never contained
I love the way the stars shine for You
And every single mountain bows down
I love the way the universe is singing Your song
So I'll try to sing along
All the world is singing Your song
I raise my voice and sing along
I love the way the stars shine for You
I love the way the stars shine for You
I love the way the stars shine for You
And every single mountain bows down
I love the way the universe is singing Your song
I love the way the stars shine for You
And every single mountain bows down
I love the way the universe is singing Your song
This song is amazing! I have it on repeat and have been listening to it for hours. The music never gets old, and the lyrics are really powerful. At Bible study tonight, we discussed the book of Philippians. We're working through one chapter a week, and so tonight was numero dos. The chapter centered around "imitating Christ's humility" and "shining as stars." Philippians 2:4 reads, "Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others." This is what love is: other-person focused; constantly uplifting and encouraging one other to grow. We can grow in a number of different ways, and this is pretty evident by some of the lessons we learn and fail at over and over again. When we look at the life of Jesus, we see that He "did not consider equality with God something to be grasped," but instead reduced Himself to nothing and then died for each and every one of us. How beautiful of an image is THAT?!
The second section of this chapter focuses on how we truly become God's beloved children. We will "shine like stars in the universe as we hold out the word of life." That is another beautiful image to me. I think of how I hate darkness and being in it. As soon as I light a candle or turn on the smallest light, I am comforted. This is how the Lord's love is. We're constantly tossed around in this dark place. We're easily confused, angry, frustrated, and our faith becomes stagnant. We are fine with settling, as long as we know "Christ will still be there no matter what." But I want to fully experience God's love. I need Him to BE my light. "It is God who works in YOU to will and to act according to His good purpose." His GOOD purpose. This means that He knows what He's doing, and we don't, plain and simple. I love thinking that He created this entire universe, and as Christians we're called to light up the world. So amazing!
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