I have read time and time again that we cannot stay the way we are and go with God. We can try, but we fail. And when we fail- when we lose our way- we fall to our knees. Sometimes the only way the soul can cry out is in this position. I have been broken down the past year. Exactly 12 months ago my life was a shred away from being nothing, and I was on my knees. I tried to give the Lord everything I could, but it made things even more painful. I asked God why I had to experience things, and what joy He could possibly obtain from watching me suffer. But the thing is, we all suffer. To every degree, life is not perfect. It will never be perfect. Learning to accept trials and tribulations, as 2 Corinthians 12:10 says- "Because of Christ, I am pleased in weaknesses, insults, catastrophes, persecutions and pressures. For when I am weak, I am strong."
This was something I came up with and wrote tonight. I have times when I have a pen and paper in my hand seconds before I lose what I was thinking. I know I can't put music to it, but it really spoke to me. It made me think about where I was the second week of August, when I came to school. I was miserable, asking myself if I could even make it until Thanksgiving. And now Thanksgiving is nearly here, and I have 5 weeks until everything changes drastically. I wasn't sure how I felt about it, but I know God has a plan through it all.
Are you lost
Are you down
Are you wondering if it's worth it
I've been there
I know the pain that comes with waiting
You can get through this
There is light
There is strength
The Lord's love increases
And hope lives on
We question why
We must experience life
In order to get somewhere
We think we know it all
We can get through it alone
Sacrifice others for ourselves
There is light
There is strength
The Lord's love increases
And hope lives on
There will be a day
Because the Lord wastes nothing
He has created life from chaos
He has sustained us
Given us love and mercy
When we have deserved none
There is light
There is strength
The Lord's love increases
And hope lives on
There is understanding
There is compassion
The Lord's love believes in us
And hope lives on
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