Happy Easter! Praise be to God! Today is the day in which He proved to us we will have eternal life! And which side of triumphant am I on? Why are we so hesitant to embrace the truth that is in front of us? We each choose our own truth, saying, "What's good for you is not god for me. You go ahead and do your own thing, it's fine." But when something happens- something BIG- all of that relativity will disappear and we will be left with nothing. Therefore. Whether you believe it or not, your life is on the line because of Jesus' death! When John wrote the Gospel he wasn't writing fiction! He was an eyewitness to Christ! He "saw and believed," even if he didn't fully understand the ramifications of Christ's sacrifice.
Our pastor at church this morning talked about God's grace. Grace, which is complete and undeserved favor. It is the only way to have a relationship with God. In the book of John, Jesus goes TO Mary when she realizes His body has been taken away. He goes to her! What a blessing that is in itself! He comes to US the same way, and the only invitation is to receive what He's already done. It is only in our brokenness- my brokenness- that I claim my need for Him alone. If you are a believer in Christ there is LIFE in YOU. Praise!
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