Hola from Punta Cana, Dominican Republic! So we stepped off the plane WITHOUT a jetway. That means we got to descend to the airfield by stairs! Yes, like in the movies. How amazing. Even though we were dressed in Minnesota clothing and it's about ninety degrees with smarming humidity. The drivers are pretty crazy...changing lanes and tailgating so horribly upon poor mopends that the drivers probably think they'll be swept under the car... And my mom about ready to vom in the seat next to me. But hey, we arrived at the resort safely! And then my dad slammed the door on my mom's hand while we were getting out of the taxi. So her hand is sprained, and the stupid ovaries of mine have produced yet another cyst or two. Joy. I thought I would see a few weeks without any. So the pain medications have become my friend. So hopefully tomorrow is a day with no complications! I spoke some FRENCH today, believe it or not. They speak complete Spanish here, but because French is dominant in Haiti and I am French-speaking- not Spanish- my mom asked the waiter jokingly if he spoke French, and he did! So I didn't feel like such a clueless tourist! :) And I did manage to read an entire book for History of the Holocaust on the ride from Denver yesterday; and finish it within two hours this morning. PLUS I read the entire book "The Last Song" on the plane and bawled my eyes out on the last five pages. I cannot WAIT to see the film. 13 days!
wow so interesting to read about your life! ha. and now you making me want to watch that movie. lol. chick flick woot woot. Hope you feeling alright and all ha with the ovaries and all and your mom. stinks. but should be pretty fun. cant wait to see those pics :)