Jowett says it's enough to feel pressure of a guiding hand. "He brings us out of our small imprisonments and sets our feet in a large place." Think of the sky. Use this as an analogy. God told Abraham to leave his tent that evening and look up to the sky, where He was. Abraham did. We have this same opportunity every day. We can wake up in the morning, do all the things to get ready, but we have to step out the front door at some point, right? It's then and there that we decide who we are going to submit to-- God or anyone else?
"Father, You see how anxious I am about so many things, including regrets from yesterday and fears for tomorrow. Open my mind, heart, and spirit to Your grandeur and love."
Psalm 98:1 says, "Sing a new song to the LORD, for He has done wonderful deeds."
AMEN! On the day that I am supposed to be leaving for Israel, here I am worrying about tomorrow-- worrying about unknown fears, what people think of me, how can I do this when the longest flight I've ever endured was 5 hours? Now double that. Are you crazy? It's taken me so much to realize these things occurring around our world today-- and right now with Egypt-- have made things a tad tense.
Matthew 28:10 says, "Save your fears for God, who holds your entire life-- body and soul-- in His hands. His hands that save the world are holding me, holding me. Hebrews 13:6 says, "God is there, ready to help. I'm fearless no matter what. Who or what can get to me?" This is the mindset I know I should have! Viewing my loving, beautiful Savior as perfectly capable of protecting me and delivering me from my fears. I have this opportunity to travel to the place where my Savior was born. I am going to walk where Jesus walked. How AMAZING and out of this world awesome is that?! Give me Jesus!
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