Sunday, May 23, 2010
My Awesome Savior
Saturday, May 22, 2010
"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." -Jeremiah 29:11
"A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps." -Proverbs 16:9
"I will instruct you and teach you in the way should go; I will guide you with My eye." -Psalm 32:8
"The Lord will guide you continually …" -Isaiah 58:11
In this game with God, we have to give ourselves pep talks from time to time, telling ourselves that God has complete control of our entire situation, that the ship is not going to sink, and that our breakthrough will come at the time that He has it set up to occur on His timetable.
Until that happens, do what the last verse says to do – "Rest in the Lord." Otherwise you will drive yourself crazy with all of the nervous energy that will start to eat at you and rob you of your peace and joy that you now have in the Lord. When it is all said and done, you will look back on all of this and see that you had wasted a tremendous amount of negative energy, since it will have been shown to you that God finally came through for you.
Trust me – I have seen God come through time and time again without fail. There is a saying that many have heard – "God is never late, but He is never early." This means that God will come in with the breakthrough on His time schedule – not ours!
Those are some words of wisdom from Michael Bradley.
Friday, May 21, 2010
More Than Enough
Chapter six is called "Giving God a Hand." "It is far better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man," reads Psalm 118:8. "Some trust in chariots and some in horses; but we will remember the name of the Lord our God," reads Psalm 20:7. Often women feel that marriage is a game of "survival of the fittest" and that all the good men have been claimed; and those who guard their feminine mystique and focus on Christ are left int he dust. Modern voices and Satan's knowing us as well as anything else make this spiritual battle even more difficult. Another lie is that getting married isn't something that's "nice if it happens." It's something that a majority of women are called to actually pursue. But even Jesus, Who was sent by the Father, awaited for the Lord to tell Him what to do and when. He was certainly not helpless. He just deliberately chose to be dependent upon His Father in heaven. Ludy tells us that we're not actually supposed to pursue marriage! We're supposed to pursue "righteousness, faith, love, and peace," as is written in 2 Timothy 2:22. "When Paul talks about single young women, he says, 'The unmarried woman cares about the things of the Lord, that she may be holy in both body and spirit,' not 'The unmarried woman is called to pursue marriage.' Nowhere in Scripture are we called to actually pursue marriage itself!" I think this is such a great approach. Our thoughts are that we'll "help" God along with what we think He's calling us to, and we'll just have Him place a stamp of APPROVED or DENIED once we're done. WRONG! Reading through Ruth, or even knowing a glimpse of her story, is such a good example of a woman who, after becoming a widow, gave up everything in her life for the sake of Naomi and following the Lord Jesus in life. Eventually Christ DID BLESS HER because of her obedience. Watch. Pray. Listen. Obey. Sit back, relax, and wonder as God does His amazing work.
Chapter seven is called "Marriage Above Else: Exploring the Issue of Idolatry." Ludy writes that contemporaries state that because marriage is God-given, it cannot become an idol in life. WRONG again! Idolatry is not simply anything made of gold or silver or ivory or even wood. It does not mean bowing down to the plastic figures on a wedding cake. It means "She went after her lovers (or ANYTHING else), but Me she forgot" says the Lord in Hosea 2:13. So the desire to get married is not an idol in a young woman's life, but the obsession with getting married above God's will is. G.D. Watson states that quite nicely: "When you are so possessed with the Loving God that you are, in your secret heart, pleased and delighted over His particular personal, private, and jealous guardianship over your life, you will have found the vestibule of heaven." Amen, man, Amen. Elisabeth Elliot also has the right idea: "A good and perfect gift, natural desires are. But so much more the necessary they be restrained, controlled, even crucified, that they might be reborn in power and purity for God." That is so powerful! And why is it so hard to give God everything we have in that way? Psalm 16:8 says, "I have the set the Lord ALWAYS before me. Because He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved." But we are. By the littlest, most unimportant things in life.
Chapter eight ("Doesn't God Want Me to Be Happy: Understanding God's Heart for Singleness") writes about self-denial and self-fulfillment. Lies are that singleness cannot possibly be a gift because God never intends for us to be unhappy or miserable. Again, wrong. Hurrying up and "getting married already" is a selfish desire. It is self-fulfillment. Jesus NEVER said, "Surely I refuse to be crucified on the cross. That sounds miserable. God doesn't want that for me, He's crazy! Death is a curse and a shame!" Rather He endured the cross and death for me. And may I never, ever seek the benefits of Christ without the cross. "The way is narrow, rocky, and painful. But it is the same road Jesus walked, and I delight to follow in His steps."
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Where Do I Go?
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." -Matthew 11:28-30
"An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a kind word cheers him up." -Proverbs 12:25
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do,
and He will show you which path to take." -Proverbs 3:5-6
And I know all these things. I study Your Word faithfully-- albeit not as much as I should lately-- but I study it. And it encourages me. Yet thinking about all the things I have to do to prepare for next fall, my last semester, and an internship in the spring, followed by starting a Master's program in the summer, where do I go? I am so afraid that I will make a wrong decision. I don't even know where to begin. I'm so anxious (in a bad way) about this whole Peace Corps thing. Traveling the world and helping people have always been my top two goals in life. I set such high standards that my career in medicine would bring me to every third-world country in the universe and that I would be able to make a difference. My heart still yearns to be in Africa. Or Europe. Bringing the words of Christ and bringing medicine and health. But this application process for the Peace Corps is so extensive. And maybe it's just me needing more information before I decide to apply. But that leaves me with a month. One month before applications for next summer are due. I need Your guidance now more than ever, Lord. Please. All I ask of You is that You would guide me in the direction I am to go.
"Test me, O Lord, and try me, examine my heart and my mind; for Your love is ever before me and I walk continually in Your truth." -Psalm 26:2
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
You're Gonna Miss This
She was staring out that window, of that SUV
Complaining, saying I can't wait to turn 18
She said I'll make my own money, and I'll make my own rules
Mama put the car in park out there in front of the school
Then she kissed her head and said I was just like you
You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These Are Some Good Times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this
Before she knows it she's a brand new bride
In a one-bedroom apartment, and her daddy stops by
He tells her It's a nice place
She says It'll do for now
Starts talking about babies and buying a house
Daddy shakes his head and says Baby, just slow down
You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These Are Some Good Times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this
Five years later there's a plumber workin' on the water heater
Dog's barkin', phone's ringin'
One kid's cryin', one kid's screamin'
She keeps apologizin'
He says They don't bother me.
I've got 2 babies of my own.
One's 36, one's 23.
Huh, it's hard to believe, but ...
You're gonna miss this
You're gonna want this back
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast
These Are Some Good Times
So take a good look around
You may not know it now
But you're gonna miss this
You're gonna miss this
Yeah, you're gonna miss this
Monday, May 17, 2010
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Can You Say Bored?

Well today was...semi-alright. I got to sleep in. And then I sat at Caribou for three and a half hours doing homework, which was just lovely (although I just started this online class and am already 1/4 of the way finished). And then I did my sister's hair for prom (she looked beautiful) and then watched my parents head off to a surprise 50th birthday party for a friend. I sat in the kitchen staring at the wall for about twenty minutes before hopping on my bike and speeding around the neighborhood twice. Then I came home, played guitar for about two hours, fooled around on piano, did some more nothing, and then wow, it's 1:24 in the morning. Where did ALL that time go?! There were a few times I just wanted to rip my hair out but I know it's going to be OKAY. Somewhere beneath all the boredom God truly does have a plan! I have decided to start going through the book of Daniel again with my discipleship partner, so I am excited for that! We decided to have once-a-week discussion, so that starts next Friday! I hope I understand what God is trying to tell me now. I just want Him to continue using me in the lives of others. That is all that matters to me-- remaining in His Word, especially-- and discerning what this summer is going to look like at the end of August when I go back to school. Will I look back and be proud of my efforts? Or will I ask myself if I could have done more? Hopefully it's not the latter.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Sacred Singleness

I just began reading "Sacred Singleness" by Leslie Ludy last night. It's actually funny how I got the book. I was planning to buy it on and I came home from college to find out that my mom bought it for me, along with Eric Ludy's "Wrestling Prayer." How amazing! I'm already halfway through the book and can't seem to put it down. I see my own self pouring through these pages and it makes me so happy! My eyes have been opened by Leslie's powerful words and Scripture. There are so many things that I'd like to post on here that I took notes on, but I'll try to keep it to a minimum.
Firstly, there are two quotes by Hananh Hurnard that are just fabulous . "God has made us for Himself, and our hearts can never know rest and perfect satisfaction until they find it in Him," and " Love is not a feeling. It is an overmastering passion, to cast ourselves down like a waterfall in happy giving, asking nothing in return except for the joy of loving. When we really begin to learn and practice that lesson we shall begin to feel at home in the eternal world of selfless love. It is not some special feeling one waits for, nor some special person to evoke it. It is an attitude of will. I will cast myself down in giving. The lower I go the more love I am able to transmit from God to others, just like the Lord of love Himself, who was not content until He took the lowest place in the universe." The opening chapters of the book discuss how Jesus is the only One who can fill our needs. Nothing like marriage, a husband, children, or fairy-tale dreams will ever take the place of Jesus. " And until we are content with Him alone we aren’t truly ready for an earthly romance that will stand the test of time. Why? Because it’s all too easy to start clinging to a human instead of to Jesus." How true! And I speak as someone who's been single my entire life-- and I see this happen with friends every day.
Secondly, our "emotions must become subservient to the Spirit of God—to His will, His agenda, His purpose, His direction. It’s not about doing what we feel like doing, it’s about what the Lord is asking of us
The third chapter of the book talks about finding romance with Jesus. "Singleness is an incredible opportunity to be fully consecrated in body and spirit to Jesus alone—to be undistracted by any other romance and free to be consumed with Him." This is what I want more than anything. Given, of course, that I have already had my entire life to experience this, I want to experience it anew; not only being undistracted by other romances but anything at all that hinders me from God. There is obviously a reason that so many plans have fallen through this summer. I know God is speaking to me, and I need to figure out why that is.
Chapters four and five focus on the modern church and their criticisms of being single. So many young single women feel abandoned or pressured by the church to find a spouse and be "happy." They say, among many authors, that taking joy in singleness is almost a sin! "Endless pressure—both from outside and inside the church—exist upon single women to take matters into their own hands when it comes to love and marriage. "God created marriage. He is the only who gave you the desire to be married. So why don’t you just do whatever you possibly can to help the process along and find a husband? God wants you to go out there and meet guys, date around, and join online dating services. When you search for a man you’re doing what He created you to do!"
Many writers contend that if we are among those who actually believe God has a purpose and plan for our singleness, we are guilty of diminishing the importance and sanctity of marriage. Some even go as far as to say that if we choose to joyfully embrace our singleness as a gift from God, we have been touched by Satan himself. Some authors have even written that Men and women who are not connected in marriage are like the mutilated members of a mangled body. Well, then, I am in deep trouble. I have known nothing but. And you know what? I love it. I love my life. I enjoy where I am, wanting to serve God with my life. I look around and see that nearly all except for a countable number of friends (on one hand) are engaged or already married; some even have kids already. That is not for me. I know that and I am content with that. And heck, I thank God for it every day!